How To Clean Your Pool Tiles
August 5, 2022 12:00 am Leave your thoughtsPool maintenance is a crucial part of being a homeowner. By performing maintenance tasks on your pool, you’ll ensure that your guests and family members share a pleasant experience when they visit your place. The following are some tips to cleaning your pool tile dirt correctly.
Why Pool Tiles Get Nasty
You’ll likely notice a buildup of grime on the bottom of your pool during off-season periods. This usually occurs because calcium deposits stick to the tiles when the water evaporates. While it’s perfectly normal for you to see some grime, excessive amounts may require you to put in additional work. You can try several effective methods if you want to know how to clean pool tile dirt.
Basic Handwashing for Mild Grime
If your problem is only minimal, you can clean most of the grime off the tiles using basic handwashing techniques. All you’ll need to do is grab a scrubbing tool and get into the pool once you determine the area is safe to enter. You can use the same tool to scrub the pool tiles you would use to clean your bathtub. A toothbrush will probably be sufficient, but a scrubbing tool will cover more of the surface. Try to choose the least abrasive model when you shop.
Start at one end of the pool and use the scrubbing tool to scrape from one end to the other. It’s wise to test a tiny area first to ensure that you won’t scratch or damage the surface with your tool. Rinse the pool with water when you’re finished, and voila. Avoid using liquid handwashing soap to clean your tiles, as regular water should be sufficient for minimal issues.
The Vinegar Trick
Vinegar is a fantastic household item to use if you want to clean your pool tiles more effectively. Many people use it because it’s non-toxic. The most effective strategy is to mix the vinegar one-to-one with water and then pour it on the grime to loosen it. You’ll find that your scrubbing efforts experience much less resistance if you first attack the grime with vinegar.
Try a Pressure Washer
A pressure washer can eliminate more stubborn deposits if buying or renting one is within your budget. However, you’ll need to use the pressure washer on the lowest setting to avoid damaging the tiles.
Professional Cleaning Supplies
It’s definitely time to take out the heavy artillery when all else fails. Thus, you may want to think about purchasing professional cleaning supplies from a specialty store. This process will only be necessary if you have aggressive grime on the tiles that refuses to detach. In that case, you’ll need to purchase a commercial product and pay careful attention to the instructions on the box. You’ll be able to gain a huge advantage over the grime that way for sure.
Now you know the proper way to get your pool tiles cleaned perfectly. Use the tips mentioned to create a flawless swimming experience for everyone involved.
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