When Should I Make a Pool Resurfacing Appointment?
December 3, 2020 5:24 pm Leave your thoughtsIf you’re the owner of a concrete pool, you should know that at some point it will become necessary for you to make an appointment for pool resurfacing in Columbia, SC. But how frequently do you need to do this, and when is the best time for you to call in the pros to get the job done?
Here’s an overview of what you should know.
Scheduling your pool repair
Professionals recommend that you have your pool resurfaced every 10 to 15 years, depending on the condition of the concrete and the pool in general. It might be possible for you to push the job off by a year or two, but at some point, the damage your pool sustains as a result of constant use and exposure to the elements will take its toll. With this in mind, it’s important you get the job done before the conditions get too dire and it becomes more difficult (and thus more expensive) for the job to be done smoothly and efficiently.
Pool resurfacing will take a fair amount of time to complete, especially if it’s a larger pool or a pool with an unusual shape. While some projects can be done in only a couple days, there are others that might take weeks. Keep in mind that during the entire time the job is being done, your pool will not be in use, so you probably don’t want to have the job done during the peak of your summer swimming season.
Instead, we strongly recommend you get this job done outside of peak season. Usually the spring or fall are the best times for people in any climate, as winter is too cold or icy to do much swimming pool work in colder climates. It’s also one of the peak seasons for pool usage in warmer climates, particularly in areas with seasonal residents and tourists.
Make your plans soon
If you know you’re going to need to schedule pool repair in Columbia, SC in the form of resurfacing sometime in the next couple seasons, it’s important that you start making your plans well in advance. As it’s already approaching wintertime, this might mean getting on your pool company’s schedule for the early spring so you can have your pool freshly restored and ready to go for the summer months.
Remember that the longer you wait to get the job scheduled, the more your pool service’s calendar will fill up. Spring is a busy time of year for pool companies, as lots of pool owners use that time of year to get their routine maintenance done before the peak swimming season starts up. We strongly recommend you get the job booked now so you can make sure your pool is properly resurfaced and you won’t have to worry about it again for another decade or more.
For more information about the processes involved with pool resurfacing in Columbia, SC and when the best times are to get the job done, we encourage you to contact the team at Can Do Plaster Crew today.
Categorised in: Pool Resurfacing
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